Future employer, is it really you??

Howdy! I'm Alice. I do design operations, and especially love design systems work. "Design program manager" or "Product designer, design systems" are titles that best capture what I enjoy most: getting your UX team a strong tool stack, building (and teaching others how to build) resilient Figma components, and co-crafting excellent documentation. Whatever they need to make them stoked to fire up their computers is what I want to cook up.

What I can do for you

I want to help your UX team fall in love with their craft all over again. I'm interested in roles that let me build internal tools and resources (like Figma libraries and Coda docs), optimize processes, and make UXers' day-to-day experiences awesome. I enjoy helping people get good work done and have a good time doing it.

This can take many shapes depending on the team's needs. If you want to see how I do this for my current team, check out my resume and portfolio.

What your company can do for me

  • Have non-men and non-white folks in leadership roles
  • Care about building a diverse team
  • Have other folks in my same discipline, ideally senior practitioners who are excited to mentor me
  • Resist shipping the org-chart, embrace shipping to help customers
  • Have product, design, UX research, and engineering teams that are eager to collaborate together
  • Have clear professional development budgets for individual employees
  • Have an HR department
  • Run programs that combat burn-out and meeting fatigue (e.g. summer-Fridays, no-meeting-days, etc.)
  • Provide generous vacation, sick-leave (separate from other PTO, like vacation time), parental leave program, medical plans that include gender affirming care, and 401K match
  • Offer a remote position (even if I'm close to an office)

Want to work together?

If you think I'd mesh with your team and their needs, reach out!

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Shout out to my fellow AU alumnus, the wicked talented front-end engineer Ally Palanzi, for inspiring this webpage 💖